Monday, July 6, 2009

A friend in need.

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku. I can't stand another minute here in UIA!! Everything is killing me. The studies and the students exactly!! Okay maybe it's me yang berproblem cause I don't really communicate with people around here. How can I??? Firstly, mostly orang kat sini berpuak puak. I hate that kind of people. Hello??!! This is so not high school anymore! Secondly, they like to talk shits!! Mengumpat je keje. Tak ngumpat budak, ngumpat lecturers. Like OMG!! Again, it's not high school!! Thirdly, diorang pon jenis memilih kawan, me myself pon camtu, mmg takkan masuk lah kan? And last but not least, the girls here seriously need to go out more often. Dah macam kat asrama sekolah perempuan dah. Semua laki pon nak minat. Sampai ke lecturer yang muda2 baru graduate pon dorang nak rebut!! OMG!! Kalau dah gatal sangat, cakap kat mak, nak berhanti belajar, pastu kahwin teros! Orang lain yang ada boyfriend tu pon takdelah batak sangat. Kalau kempunan nak laki pon, janganlah nampak sangat. Malu weh. Pastu nak cerita kat cafe, gelak kuat2..cakap pon nak terjerit2 macam nak kasi satu dunia tahu kau minat siapa. Euww!

Seriously, it's hard to find someone I can trust and I can hang out with here. Yang sekepala pon, mulut macam kepochi. Rahsia takleh nak diam. I hate to say this..but I think I miss STF. Though I hate that place and the teachers there but still..I rather be in STF then in UIA. Atleast I have my friends there. Or some.."so-called-friend"..but hey, atleast I'm not alone there. Here, I can't even talk to anyone. Apa has become my everything. Dah more to kawan perempuan then teman lelaki. Everything pon cakap kat dia. And dia hanya boleh respon "herm".."sabarlah".."herm".."herm"...and that's all. He's a guy. What do you expect? That's why I need somebody who I can be excited with. Where, whenever I need a company or a place to ngadu or story about stuff, she's there. Like a bff lah. My bff is far away. Handphones, yeah. But kena topup and all that. So, it's limited. Tak best.
Oh Tuhan..dengar lah rintihan ini. Kau kurniakanlah aku seorang sahabat disini. Sahabat yang boleh ku berkawan sampai mati. Amin.


  1. nilai ke?
    like hell ke tempat tu..
    omg, im so sory.. :)
    come here, pj. hehe

  2. sabar jelahh. cubala try mesra2 alam dgn roomates..or xkan xde yg boleh satu kpla lgsug?
    be strong !

  3. oh no thank you. kat pj lagi lah tak boleh nak hidup kat situ. no offense. hehe.
