Friday, March 20, 2009

K.qiela tag sebab yg first tu die tak tag. HUHU

1. Age of next day.

2. Place I like to visit.

Mauritius. Honeymoon nanti nak kat sini.

3. Favourite place. HAHA. A regular.

4. Favourite sports.
Bowling. Wakil okay. HAHA

Badminton. Wakil juga.

5. Favourite food.
Sushi!! Love Japanese food!

Almond from Big Apple. Yummy!!

White toblerone. Favourite of all time.

Lamb chop. A must!

Asam laksa


6. Favourite thing.
Handphone. Jantung nyawa.

Eye liner. Takde nie takde rupa orang owh.

Pengganti diari.

7. Nicknames I had.
Gloria. Thanks to K.Saidah and the gang. Huhu

Bumi. Thanks to Emon yg cakap Phye bulat macam Bumi.

Nickname mase dgn Bubu. Pastu lekat teross.
Nickname dgn si Dyane Hilton.

8. College major.
Bachelor of English. And it's not tessel people. BEN and tessel are different.

9. Name of my love.
Chicken si tonggek.

10. Hobby.

Online. All the time.

Eat. 24/7!!

My passion.

11. Bad habit.
I snore like a pig when I laugh.
12. I wish. Edward Cullen is mine. :))

Hot like Nicole Scherzinger.

13. People to tag.




  1. eh aku dah penah buat ah
    terlepas seketika

    hahaha :P

    btw, call me sofia from now on oh.
    i prefer it to be dat way :)
