Thursday, November 19, 2009

People! Read this ASAP!

I am soo fucking bored right now. People listen here. My friend Pika told me about this thing two days ago. I don't know wether it's true or not. But it kinda scary you know. And I think that I should share this with all of you.

Well, according to her, pakar kaji cuaca cakap..tomorrow, as in on Friday, akan berlaku satu cuaca yang paling teruk dalam sejarah Malaysia. Cuaca akan jadi sangat panas dan sangat sejuk. Cuaca panas dan cuaca sejuk berlawan and cuaca sejuk kemungkinan besar akan menang. So, the weather is going to be damn cold that if you flip your ears, boleh patah!! I don't know wether its true or not. It is said that this phenomenon will occur from 7pm onwards. Til when I'm not sure. So pakar kaji cuaca menasihatkan agar seluruh rakyat Malaysia to stay home, don't go out during this hour.

Haish. Scary aite? I'm not sure sejauh mana kesahihan nya. Sama sama lah kita tengok okay. But my friends yang dah dengar this news sangat takot sekarang sampai en ada yang nak buat solat taubat haa. Yelah enn..this thing pon happen on hari Jumaat. people, wether it's true or not (and i really hope it's not true) let us all take precautions okay??

Semoga Allah memberkati hidup kita. Amin.



  1. giler kaw nk buat solat taubat..
    elok jgn en???
    bengong aku..
    aku pun dgr room mate aku yg cerita..
    btol o x..
    kte tye survey okeyh?

  2. ramalan cuaca for today, almost every place hujan or ribut petir. maybe, there's a truth in wht ur fren said. erk, horror jugakla tu

  3. okok.ending nya just cuaca sejok je.mmg sejok gilaa pon.first time tido tak pakai comforter, tak on aircond!haha
