Friday, January 8, 2010

To a cheap attention seeker.

Helo minah. Kan aku cakap jangan cari pasal sama kawan aku? Apa? "i'm glad that she is the one who likes him?"..Meh sini aku nak habaq mai kat hang. Your ex has been chasing my friend since the first day he set his eyes on her! He was willing to wait for her because at that time, she was not single. They like each other! He even said that he "cinta" my friend. Ouh c'mon. You don't really think that he will go back to you even if their relationship don't work out kan? What's left of you??? She's the ideal girl every guy dreamed off. She's everything that you are not!! She's damn intelligent, she's soft spoken, she knows how to respect other people, she's a loyal friend, she's EROTIC, and most of all, she's a virgin!! That is something you are not aite?? You think guys flirt around with you for what? Because they just wanna get into your pants and they know you are easy to get!!! Like durhh. She doesn't look for weed to solve her problems!! Unlike you, she has many friends to back her up. You?? Where are your friends?? Kalau setakat nak mengendeng dgn jantan jantan konon hot stuffs kat UIA ni kau nak berlagak, tak payah laa. You are sooooo an attention seeker!! Cheap attention. Konon tak boleh jalan sbb kaki patah kena guna wheel chair padahal terang terang kau dah byk kali kantoi boleh berdiri!! Kau nak ape minah? Simpati? Ouh c'mon! Takde cara murah lain lagi ke kau boleh buat?? Aku pon boleh cari perhatian murah kalau macam tu. Pegi gig pastu buat2 pengsan ke enn..nnt ade org boleh tlg angkat aku. Dapat gakk attention enn? Oppss..I guess you already done that too. HAHA.

Kau kata kawan aku tak hot? Haha. Apa definition of "HOT" pada kau? Pakai seksi seksi, pegi clubbing sana sini, tido dgn setiap jantan kau suka, kawan dgn orang konon gempak, tu kau dah boleh kata hot laa? HAHA. Tu hot untuk pompuan jenis murahan macam kau!! Sebab kawan aku pakai tudung, sopan santun ala ala perempuan melayu terakhir, kau kata dia tak hot? Kalau berperangai macam pompuan sial kau nak kata tak hot, aku pon lebih rela tak jadi hot!

Look, it is soooo obvious that you still can't get over your ex. I know you're broken hearted. I understand. I really do. But blowing up another's candle won't make yours shines brighter you know? Just move on slowly without hurting someone else. Aku tau kau tak puas hati dgn cara ex kau tinggalkan kau. Kau dah sayang orang tu gila babi, tapi bila all of sudden dia tinggalkan kau without any explaination, kau jadi tak tentu arah. I know. I've been there, done that. Tapi kau pk lah pakai otak. Kau nak buat apa pon, nak cakap buruk pasal gf dia skrg pon, apa faedah nya? Apa yang kau dapat? Kau buat orang makin benci kat kau je. You will never get him back! He will never come back to you! Face the fact, accept the truth, stop being in denial and move on! Stop making a fool of yourself. Nothing you can do that can turn back time. And my advise to you, don't let me hear another word about you talking bad about my friend cause seriously, you almost got me on my last nerve. Aku tak peduli kau rapat dgn siapa. Aku tak peduli siapa geng kau. Aku tak peduli apa nama belakang kau. Aku peduli kalau kau cari pasal dgn kawan aku. I love her so much. So bila dia disakiti, aku turut terasa. Aku bukan penyebok. Aku vigilante kawan kawan aku. Jangan sampai kawan aku tu sendiri yang bertindak. Cause trust me bitch, if she did, you'll be sorry you're ever born.

Ouh yeah..and as for "penyebok antarabangsa"'ll be seeing us more often each day. Sampai en kalau kitorang takde, kau akan rasa rinnnnduuuuuu sangat sangat. aite??

Btw, your ex and my friend are happy together. Life never been better for them. So just lupakan apa apa hasrat kau. Change before it's too late.



  1. Can u pliz drop off the EROTIC part? geli siot hahahah

  2. dila- haha. kalau pasal pompuan tu sape yg tak lykee en?? hehe.

    dyg- ehh knp kau nak terasa geli plak. ade tersebut ke nama kau sbg org yg aku ckp erotic tu? HAHA
