Faudziah binti Kamil a.k.a Kak Gee a.k.a Umi. Why she is a supermom.
My mom is a perfectionist. So can you imagine living under one roof with a perfectionist? Sometimes yeah, you feel like a total mess when everything isn't good enough. But at one point, you will realise that your life is well donely organised.
Education is very important in my family. To my mom especially. She'll force us to study, makes sure our homeworks completed, feed us good food, the house is clean so that we can live in a proper environment and lecture us all the time. Kalau ada tetamu nak datang je, tak kesah laa our friends or cousins, rumah mesti nak kena kemas macam esok dah nak raya. Semua mesti clear!! Sampai en bilik aku tu pon kalau tak tukar cadar ke ape en, mesti kena marah. Toiletrist mesti tukar yang baru padahal yang lama tak habis pon lagi. I remember masa Form 2, Itek plan nak tidur umah aku since kat rumah dia takde orang. So it was the first time kawan STF nak datang tidur rumah. Umi sampai belikan towel baru and karpet Minis the Pooh colour pink yang baru letak kat bilik aku. Bukan nak kata excited, tapi mmg my mom cani. She wants the best impression she can give.
Herm. The most memorable moments I had with my mom is during my exams. ( I have this weakness when my every big moments or big exams, I can't be alone. I just can't. Or else I'll freak out. I need someone I love to be there and support me. My mom usually is that person :))) During PTS (during my time PTS still ada)..ingat lagi. Umi amek cuti datang sekolah duduk kat surau while aku tengah jawab exam. Then time recess umi teman aku makan kat kantin. Dia bawak bekal untuk aku and aku makan ramai2 dgn dia and my friends. Dah macam cite PAPADOM pon ade. Tapi aku tak kesah. Infact I was damn happy my mom came. Anese Yusmira, my friend masa tu sangat terharu tgk umi aku sanggup datang teman aku jawab exam. Then, aku terpilih utk the next PTS exam. Pagi pagi before nak pergi jawab, umi masak lauk favourite aku and suapkan aku dgn tangan dia sendiri. Masa tu kat luar rumah aku dah siap pakai kasut sekolah sume. Umi sangat prihatin bile exam, tak boleh makan pedas2. Takut nnt time exam sakit perut. So usually, one week before any big exam, umi akan masak yang mostly sup or steamed food.
I made her happy when I passed my PTS exam. ;))
Then UPSR. Umi datang sekolah lagi. Duduk kat surau, buat solat hajat utk aku so dat aku blh jawab dgn tenang. On the day result UPSR keluar, umi amek cuti lagi. But I told her not to come cause aku nak try face my big moments by myself. But then, a few minutes after annoucement suruh berkumpul kat Laman Bestari, aku jadi kecut. So aku call umi mintak dia datang. I sAid these exact words " umi tolong datang. Ija ingat Ija boleh buat sorang tapi tak boleh. Ija tgk mak Alia datang, Ija nak umi ade jugak." I almost cried. Luckily, my mom came on time. And she cried when my name was announced to get 5A'S :)) I made her proud.
PMR. Masa ni aku belajar kat STF. Which is in JB!! This time aku dah macam a bit risau lah. Cause of course aku kena do it alone this time. I mean takkan lah nak suruh umi datang 300km++ all the way from K.L enn? Kesian lah umi. But my mom is a supermom. She proved to me that nothing is impossible. That weekend before PMR, umi and ayah datang JB tgk aku. Memang masa dah nak dekat exam, parents aku mmg rajin datang to make sure that I'm okay and to support me. Dorang datang same2, balik pon same2. But that weekend was different because hanya ayah sahaja yang balik K.L. Umi stay JB, dudk kat sickbay sekolah for 2 nights and 3 days hanya utk aku!!! Setiap malam aku tidur dgn umi. Aku tidur awal cause umi suruh utk elak mengantuk nak jawab paper nnt. Pagi2 aku bgn tgk umi dah sediakan baju sekolah utk aku. Dia siap beli kan aku 2 pasang baju sekolah baru lg tu!! Then before nak masuk hall, umi teman aku. Dia pegang dahi aku, pastu baca lah ayat ayat sikit bg aku terang hati jawab paper. And she did the same thing to some of my friends. Aku jawab paper, umi sembahyang hajat and baca Quran for me kat sickbay. Kawan kawan aku semua kelakar tgk umi. But they liked it. Some even asked umi to doakan utk dorang gak. Maybe if kalau korang akan rasa malu kalau mak korang mcm tu. But not me. Aku suka. Not only she was there for me. But also for my friends. Niat umi baik. Bukan nak memalukan anak dia.
Masa result PMR keluar, aku just call sekolah. Malas haa nak pergi jauh2. So at that time ada aku, my twins cousins, and my dad kat rumah. Aku call sekolah and berkat doa umi aku, I score 8A's. Umi kat ofis tgh keje. So she called ayah tny how was my result. Ayah tipu umi cakap I onlt got 6A's tapi aku tak sampai hati dgr suara umi cam dah frust, so I told her the truth. Tak sempat aku nak explain pape umi dah nanges gila babi!!! Her officemate sume igt ada org meninggal!! HAHA.
SPM!!! Urgh! Aku cakap kat umi, this time takpe. I can do it alone. Yelaa aku taknak nyusahkan umi lagi. Kesian dia. But then umi datang jugak. Duduk lagi kat sickbay. I remember my English teacher, Miss Raha jumpa aku and she said I'm lucky to have her as my mom. I know miss. I know. But I'm sorry umi. Aku kecundang this time. I only got 6A's 4B's. I'm sorry mom I didn't make you proud like how I did before. I guess my teen hormone just can't keep up anymore. I told my dad that I want to repeat my SPM cause I know I can do better. But my dad said, let it go and move on. I wish...I really wish..i did not get involve in things I should not be involved. Herm..
Why my mom is the best mom in the world? Cause she loves me that much! Now, every weekends aku balik, mesti akan ada banyak buah umi beli utk aku. Sebab aku ni hantu buah. So sape2 yang nak date dgn aku, please don't buy flowers cause I don't appreciate them. And no chocolates too!! Cause then I'll get fatter than ever. Just buy me fruits okay?? Mostly yang local punya. TQ!!
Ada this one time, masa tu cuti sekolah seminggu lebih. I don't remember masa form bape. But masa tu kat rumah. Pagi tu umi tak masak breakfast so dia beli kat luar je. Dia tny nak mkn apa aku ckp nak roti canai. Tapi dia terlupa so she bought me smthg else. Then I said to her," esok nak roti canai ea? Ija teringin." But terlupa lagi. Sampai lah aku dah nak balik STF balik, baru umi teringat. Then aku cakap takpelah. Nnt Ija cuti lagi blh makan. (Kat STF celah mana nak carik roti canai enn?) Tapi umi tak sedap hati dia nak jugak aku makan roti canai before naik bas. Padahal bas dah nak gerak lagi 15 minit..kitorang berlari ke mamak across Pudu tu. Aku dah cakap takpe, nanti nanti blh makan tapi umi nak jugak aku makan. Dia kata bg lah sedap hati dia. Herm..umi umi.
Banyak lagi sbenarnya moment yang buat aku terharu sgt dgn umi. Tapi kang kalau cite semua mmg penuh lah blog aku ni. Korang pon dah tak larat nak baca kang.
Umi, I know I haven't been a good daughter lately. I have no excuse and I won't defend myslef cause I know I am guilty. I just wanna say I'm sorry and will always try to improve myself and be the person you always hope I'll be. Umi, you are the greatest mother anyone would have. And I thank you for that.
Ija igt lagi umi penah cakap bila Ija kata umi ni time tak sihat pon nak bebel lagi. Umi cakap "biarlah umi nak bebel pon. Utk kebaikan Ija jugak. Nanti umi dah mati Ija tak dgr suara umi lagi."...Don't say that mom!! Don't ever leave before I do! Cause I won't survive without you!
People, appreciate lah satu satu nya bnd yang korang ada kat dunia ni. Friends and boyfriends come and go. But family stays forever. Kawan boleh dicari, boyfriend blh diganti. Tapi mak and ayah, sekali hilang takkan kembali. Kita ada satu je mak ayah. Kalau korang jenos yang ada konflik dgn parents, rasa cam parents korang tak anggap korang anak, anggap lah tu cara dorang nak ajar korang utk survive kat dunia ni. Lain orang lain cara. Aku pon bkan baik sgt. Selalu gak melawan umi ayah. But I always try to control and improve myself. So let us all do the same k?