Sunday, November 1, 2009



Okay. Tu entry untuk post aku. Dah lama gile syiall tak edit blog. FCUK! Sumpah aku takde mood gile babi! Everything is falling apart. Aku taktau cane benda cani boleh happen. Aku ke yang selfish? Memang aku selfish. Dari dulu pon aku yang tamak. FCUK!

Boleh tak aku nak mencarut banyak banyak???

Sayang. I'm sorry. I hurt you a lot. I thought I need time and space. But turns out, all I need is the old you. I miss you so bad. I miss us. I miss everything. I know I hurt you. I know I did you wrong. I'm guilty. For the 100th times. I'm sorry.

Kenapa semua ni boleh terjadi? Where are you sayang? I miss you.

Bodoh kau ni Phye!

Nak teruskan legasi Dyane? You are not fit for it. Damn it!

I should have see this coming.

Aku taknak hurt mane mane pihak. Aku taknak hurt kau dan kau. Maafkan aku.

Jangan suruh aku pilih. Kerna, dua dua pon aku akan tolak jika pilihan diberi.



1 comment:

  1. phye, blek la cepat..
    ktorg hiburkan hati u erk..hehe
    sygg phye!!
