Friday, November 6, 2009

I love my girlfriends. So fcuk you bitches!

Persahabatan itu indah tapi mudah pecah. Kalau erat, ia tidak rapuh. Since semalam aku rindu gile Dayang Syira and Jowi. Padahal baru pisah 2 hari haa. Sleeping in Jowi's room brings me back to 2 years ago while I was in STF. Sleeping in Dyane's dorm with sometimes Anese, Amal, Kamilah, Marina and Dira was really fun. I had a great time when I was in school. And things seems to happen again with these 3 great ladies. Thank you guys.

Aku ulang alik betolkan jadual, korang ikot jugak bontot aku walaupun matahari memancar sangat terik, kaki dah tempang, peloh dah lecun.
Aku menghilangkan diri, korang yang buatkan add drop aku.
Aku tengah lapar, korang yang temankan aku makan.
Aku tengah sangap asap, korang yang temankan aku ke Nilai Square untuk fufu sbb memang port nak fufu kat situ je yang clear enn. HAHA.
Aku tengah horny, korang yang layan aku. HAHA.

Haa dah dah dah. Merepek meraban plak aku ni haa sampai ke lucah lucah plak. Kang aku kena cop censored plak kang. HAHA.

Tapi series dowh. Aku sayang gile babi korang. Pukul 1 everyday, sume kumpul kat Kawah Thai lunch with the boys. Gelak gile gile tak peduli kiri kanan sampai keluar bunyi babi. Pukul 8 kumpul sume gi dinner same same. Hehe. Before gi class roger Dayang tggu kat mak guard. Ouh yeah. Thanks ea Dayang kau jadi guardian aku this sem. HAHA. Aku jadi rapat dengan Dayang enn, sampai dah berjangkit penyakit latah die. Tapi aku punye masih boleh dicontrol la enn. HAHA.

Babes..I don't care how long we will last. But you guys are definitely the V.I.Ps in my life right now! And nobody..listen here people..NOBODY can ever mess with my girlfriends as long as I'm alive. You have problems with them, you'll have to go through me. I love my girlfriends. So fcuk you bitches!!



  1. sayang phye.
    watch out bitches! phye is wit me..

  2. i wish we're still like the time you wrote this post ...seriously..aku rinduuuuu korgggg.. ;(
